Zhang-Dexiang Airplane_Invader
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- layered background (background /middle ground /foreground) (Cloud is Foreground and sky is background) ✔
- at least one image ✔
- a player-controlled sprite ✔
- an enemy sprite with automatic movement ✔
- the ability for the player to shoot bullets at the enemy ✔
- automatic shooting bullets from the enemy to the player ✔
- collision detection of bullets, using tags so that a player does not kill himself with his own bullets ✔
- sound effect on collisions (when airplanes get hit by bullets) ✔
- health score for player and enemy, displayed ✔
- animation #1 (player animation) ✔
- animation #2 (enemy animation) ✔
- at least three levels in increasing order of difficulty. Document the difficulty of each level in the directions. (Total 4 levels, document can be find in menu slide) ✔
- scene transitions: Every time that your player destroys the enemy, the game should transition to the next level. Every time your player ship gets destroyed, the current level should be restarted. ✔
- directions (include the basics of each level) ✔
- settings, including a volume setting with a slider (collision + background sound) ✔
- quit game (In the main menu ) ✔
- menu ✔
- pause/resume and link back to menu (pause, resume, and main button in each level) ✔
- some other UI (dropdown, toggle, input) (a toggle to make bird disappears) ✔
- at least two data items that persist from scene to scene (health and score) ✔
- high scores ✔
All 21 components are included in the game.
Hint: For information how to play the game please click the "Instructions" in the main menu
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